Scale Trauma

So, my scale has “shit the bed,” as we say in Boston. Which means it’s broken. (And yes, that really is a common saying there. Everything you’ve seen in Good Will Hunting is marginally true).

Normally, I step on my (digital) scale, and the numbers bounce around a bit (within a 7 lbs range or so) before settling on one. Yesterday and today when I stepped on the scale, the numbers bounced around within a 75 lbs range, and then said ERROR. I’ve tried replacing the batteries, resetting the scale, moving it to a different section of floor, but no dice. My scale has shit the bed. It’s just as well, because the scale is at least 5 years old, which I suppose is a good shelf life for a digital scale purchased with a coupon at Bed Bath & Beyond. But now I need to buy a new one.

And I am terrified.

I am so scared that a new scale will wipe out all of my progress. What if the new scale says I’m much heavier? What if my old, broken scale has been lying to me since March? What if I’m actually no where near breaking through to “one”derland?! I’m so dependent on what “my” scale says, and so scared that another scale will say something wildly different. The idea of going “backward” is so upsetting to me that I sort of don’t know what to do with myself.

I ordered a scale off Amazon this morning, since I don’t have any time at all to run to the store to pick one up this week. And while it won’t arrive for a few days, I am so, so scared to step on it when it does. Ugh.


Let’s focus on some positives, shall we?

On Monday I worked out twice! David and I got up and did Workout 1 from BR, and then in the evening after work I went on a mission to save the world from Zombies! I left this little note for David to find when he got home from work!


In addition to the regular storyline with the Zombies, Run! app that works with your playlist, you also have the option to turn on the “Zombie Chase” feature. At any random time during your run, the Zombie Chase feature can be activated. You are given warning that you’re being chased, and updated as to how far behind you the Zombies are, as well as a beeping noise, and lots of Zombie moaning sound effects. The feature uses the GPS in your phone to track your speed. You have to increase your speed by 20% and maintain it for one minute in order to “out run” the zombies and escape. So it’s basically an interval training tool. I turned it on during my run on Monday, and WHOA. Like I’m sure I’ve mentioned I’m not a runner. I recently compared my version of “running” to “Gallumphing along in agony like a walrus” in a conversation with a friend of mine. So increasing my speed by 20% and maintaining it for a full minute was HARD. The Zombies kept getting closer and closer, and the beeping and moaning got faster and louder, and I was SURE I was going to get caught. I couldn’t keep it up. I was dying.

BUT. I TOTALLY OUTRAN THAT ZOMBIE MOB! I thought I would have a heart-attack afterward, but I totally did it! A silly victory to be sure, but I was pretty psyched about it, none-the-less.

This is a picture of me, post-run, making some kind of hilarious face which I think was supposed to convey how bad-ass I am. I get RED when I work out. Over even when I’m just sitting on the couch and it’s warm outside. Heat and my super pale skin are not good friends.


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4 thoughts on “Scale Trauma

  1. ctminnesota says:

    What kind of scale did you buy? I had to replace mine recently & went with a Tanita. I found the difference between scales minimal – – calibrate it with something heavy before you step on to reassure your brain that the reading is accurate. Who knows, maybe it will be more accurate & lighter than your other scale! No need to assume the worst, sister. And even if it is heavier (which I doubt), you cannot deny yourself the progress you’ve made. The differential doesn’t change. So hold your head up & feel proud of that number, whatever it is. You are doing AWESOME!

    Plus, you just outran zombies. Only superheros can outrun zombies. You rock!

  2. Catherine says:

    I just bought this app. I need it. It sounds so amazingly awesome and I have a hard time motivating myself to run intervals, which I need to do now because I have a team running event coming up and everyone is faster than me!

    As someone who had all her “weight loss” erased by a new scale recently, I feel your fear. Good luck. I guess the bright side is you’ll be super motivated to keep up the good work while the scale is in the mail.

  3. Erin says:

    Oh man, I can’t even laugh at you because I get that red too when I work out.

    I also went through a scale transition though for me it was a bit easier because I was just trying to retire my old one, it still worked, but it consistently showed about 2-3 lbs less than the new one….I finally just had to bit the bullet and get rid of the old one and start using the new one. My suggestion would be to really focus on how your clothes fit right now and not the number. It’s not like a new scale will actually change your weight, it just might change what you think it is (though really, I’d be shocked if the difference was more than a few lbs in either direction).

  4. Meghan says:

    I love it that you are posting more pics! You are adorable, red face and all! Glad to see the running is going well. I am going to try in the fall, I have no desire to run in the heat! I am a wuss! I have a feeling there is going to be a one-derland post soon! I can feel it!

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